Sunday, August 14, 2022

Blood Bowl Chaos Beastmen

"Just underpaint and then use Contrast paints" they said. "It's faster" they said.

I disagree. It's faster if your underpainting is really good. Otherwise you're just doing it twice... I'm still learning, so this is just a technique than needs some more practice.

I'm pretty sure that some parts were too dark. Because the contrast are so transparent you can never recover this loss without adding something opaque, like white. Doing this changes the value, and usually it's too bright, or you end up with a glaze, and then you're laying down a million coats.

Aggaros Dunes was a nice fast NMM gold. I'll be trying that again. 


Friday, August 12, 2022


HMP does cute!?

First time for everything. It was a lot harder than I expected. There's literally nowhere to hide your crimes. And the eyes demand some level of perfection.

Overall I think it was a valuable exercise. Remember,don't miss good while looking for perfect. 

Keep your brushes pointy,

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Palette Problems?

Do you, or someone you know, routinely make bad palette choices? Does this lead to ugly miniatures and/or incomplete projects? Help is available, but only if you act now...

Previously I started this goblin, and today I finished him, and even added this to the gallery.