Sunday, April 24, 2022

Near Miss!

 Dodged a bullet this afternoon!

That, my dear readers is whole lot of Agrax Earthshade perilously close to some finely painted squigs. Squigs which received some love this week. 


But the real stars of the day are the light cavalry, which for this army are Goblins riding wolves!



We went from no paint to fully color blocked and even a wash or two. All that remains is to do the metallic paint and high/low light dark jazz.

I'm pretty pumped because this means that we're almost onto the next phase, which will be Heroes and Generals and Shaman!




Monday, April 18, 2022


 If there's one thing that I've learned so far, it's to go lighter than I initially find comfortable, especially when you want your figures to pop off the table.


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Glowing Mushrooms!

 Golden High Flow Acrylics are great, especially the Fluorescent Chartreuse.