Sunday, February 24, 2019


I haven't updated in ages, mostly because my schedule has changed and I've had visitors. 

Here's what's been going on. I've been working on this awesome Dragon Lizard by RAFM Miniatures. The date stamp on the bottom is 1985 and it also says R. Murch. With the magic of google I managed to find out who R. Murch is. Turns out he`s a prolific sculptor who, according to the lost mini wiki, was a primary sculptor at RAFM for 20+ years. Looks like he also did work for a bunch of other companies, but now runs his own called Pulp Figures. The sculpts appear to be true 28mm, so you`d better bring your A game if you want to paint his stuff. There`s a large variety of things to choose from but for me Heroes and Personalities and Weird Menace both have some cool looking stuff.

Bob and RAFM are both Canadian (which is awesome), and is probably why I found the Dragon Lizard while visiting Calgary, (The Sentry Box). The dragon is almost done and I've decided to do a water base for him. His head will be poking out of some reeds. Like he's stalking some prey. 

RAFM Miniatures Dragon Lizard by Bob Murch
I'm hoping to make the stream bed look like mud and clay. To do this I'm using very thinly sliced cork. Then I'll build up the right side to make the bank higher. For the water I'm going g to try 2 part epoxy. We'll see what happens. 

The base looks a bit crap right now, but I just wanted to build it up with the cork, once the glue dries there will be a bunch of trimming.
 More to come...

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