Sunday, January 26, 2020

Painting Miniatures With Oil Paints Pt. 2

OK, first test drive of the oils complete. Here's what I learned.

  1. Getting buttery smooth blends is easy (it's like cheating).
  2. Getting buttery smooth paint is hard.
  3. Having a limited palette is not so limiting.
  4. Priming with black acrylic leads to difficult coverage with light paint, especially once thinned (I primed in black because the BONES are hard to see with any other color, but given their hydrophobic nature you could probably just rock'n-roll (future tests will examine this).
  5. Use care when laying down colors as they remain active for a very long time (it's oil...)
  6. Bob Ross used to talk about thick paints sticking to thin, or maybe vice versa, I now know what he was going on about.
  7. Stippling is your friend.
  8. Texture can be cool.

Primed Cyclops 

Initial Blocking

Poor color rendition, daylight photos tomorrow

The white balance is a little off

 I'm going to let it dry for a day before I try anything else.
 More to come.

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