Monday, January 18, 2021

War Pig

Happy New Year!

Apologies for the shortage of updates, but we moved during the winter "break" and my living room looks like this. 
And that's the best room in the house! Painting hasn't been a priority, but yesterday I just said fudge it, and painted in the garden.

I was pretty excited because I had a primed figure waiting to go, my pig riding Ork warrior, which is my latest kitbashing masterpiece

I started by blocking colors, and quickly got frustrated because I was slightly overwhelmed. I think this was just due to not having a brush in my hands for ages.

Also, I was only using a primary palette (red, yellow, blue white black, green) and that may not have been the best idea as it forced me to mix everything. I'm not super good at this kind of thing, but if you don't try...

In the end I slowed down and focused on the pig's head. I'm still pretty intimidated by the hide as it's a big flat thing, but I'm hoping to try and sponge it when I get there. I think the face is starting to look "not terrible" and having a good idea of what a big part of the figure is going to end up looking like is always a win so for now I'm calling it a success.

Keep your brushes pointy,

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