Monday, September 6, 2021

WIP Update

Fun fact, I you mistype Labor Day (on my phone), you get Labrador, well dong auto correct!

The heroes of the Empire are coming together, literally one piece at a time. They're actually a pain in the arse, there's a ton of pins required and 4 hands would be great. For a model that strictly speaking only consists of about 7 real pieces (arm, arm, gun, legs, torso, head, backpack), it's hard. Aligning the gun with the arm while trying to set the angle on arms with the torso. Brah. So as a diversion, I did something else.

I did some work on old Ilkhan. I don't know. It's been a while since I tried the old NMM thing. Turns out it's still a kick in the dick.

So yeah. 

Crappy cameras and strong lighting make it look better. Also I cracked the shoulder while transporting him. As a diversion...

Well you know, it's a BONES, just throw paint at it and find out what doesn't work! I worked Ilkhan with oils so he's relegated to the shelf of curing for the next week. This wizard was "primed". I don't like it, send to "box of never to be completed".

About skulls, there's not any on my guys, were gonna have to fix that. I don't want them to end up looking like they've abandoned the Emperor of holy Terra for the Great Unclean One, but they need some flair. I'm thinking shoulder and/or shins, the typical locales. 

Chop chop.


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