Friday, February 9, 2024

Chrome Earth Sky NMM

We all make bad decisions from time to time. Recently I decided to try some more earth sky NMM. 

This is a great way to turn small "projects" into bigger ones. One simple trick to make your projects go smoothly, don't "add" scope!


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

WIP Wednesday

Here's the status. 

We have tiny guys from GW, a huge ass dude from Scibor Miniatures, and so e Infinity dude. 

He might actually be 28 mm, he's hard to photograph with this 🐕💩 camera.


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Finished Dragon

Nothing like painting the biggest figure I've ever attempted in under a week!

I'm pumped, what morecan I say. I had to unleash all the tools, airbrush, oils, pigments, the whole bit.

The real win is that the client was stoked, and his players are are going to lose it when they see it. Hooray, everyone wins.

Keep your brushes clean,