Wednesday, December 13, 2017

NMM Gold, New Recipe

NMM Gold has the most tutorials of any NMM style on the web, but that's not stopping me from doing my own! Here is my new recipe.

You want to start with a nice even coat of white. Here im layering White Scar over my flat gray primer.

After several thin coats of white scar the surface should be fairly even in appearance. The next step is to layer up with Balor Brown. Try to go very even and thin. A glaze/wash is what we are after.

Thin out some White Scar, as much as you dare and come back in and pick out some of the highlights. Here I did the crown and tips and upper flat surfaces.  
Now make a wash of Mournfang Brown and wash it into the recesses.  Next is to layer up with glazes of Balor Brown, leaving the recesses. Start thinking about where the highlights are going to be.  
Now start layering with a glaze of Averland Sunset, and keep adding White Scar to keep working up the highlights. Save the pure white for point sources. If things stray too far glaze back in with straight Averland Sunset. Work it until you like it. 
Remember, when painting for gaming, quantity trumps quality, for sure DMGWLFP!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Scibor Unboxing

Well, minis in the mail. Not much is better. Here is the whole sequence. Purchased direct from their web page,  paid via pay-pal, and ta-da about 2 weeks later, treats in the mail. Not bad considering its going from Poland to California.

The loot includes some snail people (monsters),  some dwarves (4), and a zombie.

Snail monsters, I wish they came with bases.
Scibor's new dwarf "Lords". 
Yeah, his penis is hanging out (barf).

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Scibor Shaman

He's not a bad guy, making snail people, he's just a Dr. Frankenstein, molding the world to his own taste. Some work in progress...


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Nasty Scibor Snail

He's done. My first Scibor mini. I've got a whole bunch more on the way (5 in total),  and after that there are a lot of Dwarves to paint (maybe 7 in total, I lost count). I'll do a real photo  shoot  later. This is also my first attempt at updating the blog from my phone...


Saturday, November 11, 2017

Scibor Time

     I really like Scibor minis, they have a good feel about them, and from the casts I've seen, they are of very good quality. Meeplemart has a LARGE selection of Scibor's stuff, so I got to look at almost the whole range while I was there one day.
Mutant Snail (Scibor Monstrous Miniatures)

I'm excited to show some work in progress, it's a bit of a teaser shot, I hope to have him finished this weekend (it's getting dark pretty early these days so there's no shortage of time to sit around and paint). There will of course be a better photo shoot then.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Gang is Ready to Travel!

     Well, as with all things, deadlines are deadlines and sometimes you just gotta call things done, so I did. Days away from vacation and I put the snow on the last of the Frostgrave minis. Hope to be playing sooner than later.
All dressed up and ready to go.

     That about covers all the news. Don't expect an update for at least a month! My holiday is 3 weeks long, but when I get back I'm hoping to start on some Scibor stuff. Stay tuned.


Wednesday, September 6, 2017


     Well, the Meeplemart dump continues. Here is the Stone Construct, and the Necromancer. On the former I actually did some dry brushing! It's an amateur technique, but when you're doing rocks, it rocks!
Sometimes dry-brushing works...

My first attempt at OSL
     On the Necromancer I tried some object source lighting, my first attempt. It's a bit hard to see with the harsh lighting, but under more normal indoor lighting I think it looks pretty good. I'll do a group shot later in the week.


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Frostgrave, Work in Progress

     I've been painting like I'm getting paid... Anyhow, here is some wip. It's yet another Frostgrave mini from Meeplemart. He's the Flesh Golem. I think he's pretty dope. I worked hard to try out every flesh tone that I had, with the hopes that it would really make him look like he's stitched together. In all I think it worked out. It also helped me learn just how many skin tones I have access to with the paints I have. I think my favorite part is the flack flesh on the face (his right, our left).
Frostgrave Flesh Golem
    The only par that I didn't do as well as I may have liked is his right hand. Since it only had 3 fingers, I thought I'd go for an Orc flesh. I've got some work to do there. Once he's all done, along with his buddies I'll do a group photo.


Frostgrave Pt. 2

    Frostgrave. Here's the minor demon I picked up as part of my Meeplemart trip. He came out pretty all right, I think the base came out even better on this one than the last. Also, I like the hooves and horns.
The Frostgrave minor demon, he came with the Imp.
I've really got to get better lighting, the white balance is starting to drive me bonkers.


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Frostgrave Time!!!

     Frostgrave time! I HAD to take a break from the terminators, it's just too hard to keep working on the same guys. Sooooo, I was in Canada, visited Toronto, and checked out Meeplemart down on Spadina Ave.

IT'S EPIC. Just get there, any way you can.

     They claim to be Canada's largest online game store and based on their insane levels of inventory, I don't think this is much of a stretch. If you're a mini painter out side of the Toronto area, you should probably check out the online store at Meeplemart. As a reputable company they allow you to buy miniatures from all over the place without worrying about shipping from random parts of the world. They ship to all of Canada for under $9, (say WHAT!!!).

     Anyhow, I picked up a whack a Frostgrave minis, which I'm super motivated to paint, partly because it's a nice change of pace, but also because they're all birthday gifts!!! Besides the Frostgrave miniatures, Meeplemart also has a huge selection of Scibor miniatures, so expect to see those when the Frostgrave stuff is done.
FGV302 Imp
Here's the first Frostgrave figure (part FGV302). He is sold as the "Imp". I based him up on a more normal sized base and added some rocks and snow to help set the scene. He's pretty small so I didn't get too worked up on the details, but I think he's ready for the gaming table.



Monday, May 8, 2017

Brother "I have too many gems" Noctis

     So, here's an update. I sat down to do some painting on the weekend (it was raining), and I thought that I'd be able to bang out all the gems. That didn't happen. In fact I just kept finding more, on this one guy! Even now there's two more on his upper back left shoulder that I completely missed! FML.
I think the knee is upside down...
Hip guards
The gun and the wrist turned out pretty nice
So many gems.
The ones on the side are annoyingly difficult

Blood Angels want YOU!

     So that's all the news. This weekend will be good for painting too, I have to take care of A (she's having mouth surgery).


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Space Hulk Blood Angels Painting Guide (Pt. 3)

    Just a little update on the Blood Angels. The bolters got drilled out, and I did all the text on the purity seals, and also re-did the wax seals themselves. Here`s the shot from the garden. In natural light it becomes very obvious just how dark this scheme is.

Happy painting, and remember DMGWLFP...

Mazda Mods (Stereo)

     One of the many wonders of America is that no matter how far you are from a road, you can always find bits of a car...
After cleaning and adding the black base coats

So I found a sweet hubcap, from some ancient beast of a car, Thunderbird? (I thought it would look awesome on the dash of the Mazdarati.) Anyhow, I also had a really big knife with me so naturally I dug the emblem out of it. It was pretty nasty and dirty, and the gold fleck was badly worn. But, after a round of sonication and scraping it was ready to paint, sadly the acetone fogged the inside surface a bit.

Just the black outline done
It tuns out that it's really hard to paint well on the surface, also, since it's on the inside you have to paint things in an opposite sense as to how you're used to thinking.
Tail is gold, legs are two yellows, claws and head white, copper wings with silver and white on the tips.
The final result isn't really that spectacular, but it's fun none the less. I just need to figure out how to buff it up, I think it's acrylic.

 Happy stereo modding...

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Slaughterpriest (Hackblade and Wrath-hammer)

     So GW re-released White Dwarf a little while back, and as a way to entice people to pick up the issue it included an epic mini. You can still get the Slaughterpriest on the GW site, so if you failed to get him for free with your White Dwarf be sure to get on it.

Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrath-hammer. KILL! KILL! KILL!
     Anyhow, I wanted mine to look pretty evil, and I figured that the last thing he needed was a good Florida tan (how the GW guys paint him). For his flesh I used Reapers #09275 "Vampiric Skin" (which I got in my Halloween loot bag), and sure enough, he looked pretty ill. Then I figured with skin that pale he for sure needed to be bluish in the shaded areas, with purple bulging veins. I went bonkers with the metallic paint and then washing and glazing over it with different colors, in the end I was pretty stoked with how he turned out. I tried to do my first tattoo, a chaos star, but it came out looking kinda shoddy, but really he doesn't look like the kind of fella who sits still very well (he probably ate the tattoo artist and finished the thing himself...with a fork). I'm very proud of him, he may be my best work yet.

He looks like he eats babies

Kept things looking dirty (hell ain't clean)

The random "rocks" on the base were bits of wine bottle cork, and then I used liquid green stuff for the mud.


Monday, February 20, 2017

Blood Angels Terminators... Update

     Not much to say here. It's really just a photo update of my Space Hulk Terminators. Everything is color blocked, and the armor is the only thing done. Other than that, every detail essentially needs to be addressed. Gulp. Not to mention the two sergeants and Brother Claudio. Oh, all the eyes are done.
I guess the dead Stealer isn't color blocked, also I'm going to keep his chest really white, so it looks like porcelain.
Looks like OSHA is alive and well in the 41st millennium (caution paint on chain fist???)

 Bolter needs drilling, all the bolters need drilling

 Gotta make that into something to read

 He's cool, I love the gold and cool blue/white of the wings
 Brother Noctis

 Not looking forward to all those purity seals

 Dakka dakka dakkkkkka


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Space Hulk Blood Angels Painting Guide (Pt. 2)

     In my last article I said to paint anything that you don't know what to do with white. I retract that statement. An astute reader pointed out to me that white is a bitch, and it gets chalky easily. Better advice is to just do nothing and sort it out later.

Battle brothers
 So we left off with laying down the base red. The next step was Agrax Earthshade wash all over. Then make a glaze with the base and start highlighting. (I use Liquitex Matte medium, 1 drop from the giant bottle to 1 brush loaded with paint, and then add water to the point that it flows well, thinner than paint and thicker than milk, maybe heavy cream). Just do the parts that should be lighter, and think about how the pant sits when you take the brush off the model (you will leave more paint here, so that will be your lightest spot). Once that's done add a drop of Mephiston Red to your mix and do more highlights (repeat above). Once that's done add a drop of Troll Slayer Orange (repeat above). Then add a drop of Averland Sunset, and work the edges (sometimes 2 or 3 coats).
The progress is real
This takes ages, but the results speak for themselves.