Wednesday, January 25, 2017

In the beginning.

     Before the beginning, there was a 3 pack of marines... only one was completed to an acceptable level, and it wasn't the blue guy! The blue guy was done with some random paint, that didn't behave at all well. Mr Yellow was much better, but required the procurement of GW paints.
Mr Blue
Mr Yellow
     Then I found the Bones. They're cheap, and, as with most things, you get what you pay for. That's fine. I wanted to get back into painting, so this seemed like a logical place to start. Introduce IMEF troopers. The goal of the squad was to try and learn how to do the visors with the sky reflections. I was happy with the results, and stopped there.
IMEF Troopers (Slyder x 2, Proudfoot, Aztec, and Jigsaw (the medic))

 Remember, don't miss good while looking for perfect...