Saturday, June 27, 2020

Grot Walker Concept Art

I'm going to be starting a new project soon and I though I would sketch out some concept art for it. I started by ripping this excellent GW picture (all credit to them). It will be based on the Imperial Sentnel Scout walker.

The plan is to have a Sentinel Scout that has been captured by Gretchin (or as I like to call them Grots). The sketch is admittedly a little rough, but it more or less gets the point across. For some reason the Grots came out looking like radioactive rabbits, but I like where it's going. The Scout will be covered with battle damage and bits of corrugated steel, some kind of platform will exist on the back to hold more Grots. Grots will be hanging off all available parts, and the door will have been replaced by some kind of makeshift corrugated steel paneling. The roll cage will have been removed so that the occupant can be, "thrown clear", in the event that it topples over (safety first).

There might be a squig, or two as well, I don't know, it will depend on what I can dig up. The standard exhaust stack will have been replaced with something more ghetto, maybe some kind of after market "fart cannon", like the kids put on all their riced up cars. The whole operation should reek of Ork quality and attention to detail (or lack there of). I'm hoping that the final product conveys the same kind of feeling that my other Grot project achieved.

Stay tuned,

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