Sunday, January 30, 2022

Korps Komplete?

 I painted the base rim!!!

 As my regular readers are likely aware, once you paint the base rim black, it's done. I wasn't really planning on them being done, but sometimes this happens. I'm not 100% that they are done, and I'll probably go back in and just a few more highlights in the face area...

You can barely see them because of how recessed they are, but the eyes are a yellow orange now. This was a minor execution fail, but whatever, they look better than when they were black.

The "backpack" received quite a bit of attention and it now looks much better. This is true of all the leather bits. All the armor bits (chest plate, helmet, shin guards) were looking a bit flat, so I carefully added some blue to these parts. The difference is hard to spot without a side by side, and I don't have a picture of that handy, so you'll just have to take my word for it (see if you can spot the difference here).

I had some old Ork guns sitting around from my Nobs, which had comically large bullets, these turned out to be a pretty good match for the"giant rifle", so I cut them off painted them up and glued them on. The other thing I did was go and glaze some red into the shadows to add some more color and make them a bit less boring. Again it's hard to see, but when I had one done and the other sitting beside it, it was pretty obvious.

I also tried to do some "hot metal" blue steel on the heat shroud of the flamer. Meh. Overall I'm pretty stoked how they're coming along, and I should be able to finish them this week. For a while I thought the saturation was getting too high, but now I kinda like it.



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