Sunday, March 29, 2020

All Gold NMM Armor

We are sort of shut down due to COVID-19, but instead of getting 2 weeks off, we had to work from home, or WFH, as it's now commonly referred to [here I thought NASA had already invented every TLA (three letter abbreviation)].
I pretty quickly ran out of things to do, but then realized that I was being an over achiever, and that  those who excel at WFH maximize their number of Zoom meetings, wherein people "report up" to management and "check in" on reports. If done correctly this can consume almost 6 hours of the day leaving only 2 hours for AW, which even the most incompetent and lazy can fill up with things to do. I suppose if your job is to have meetings, then WFH might be AW...

Anyhow, today's post is about another TLA, namely NMM gold. NMM is a serious PITA (pain in the ass), and I'm not very good at it, but to get better at something sometimes you've go to put in AW.

NMM is hard because it requires very good transitions from very dark to very light over very little space. It's also tough because you have to constantly think about where the light is coming from and how the basic solids like, spheres, cylinders, cubes etc. Interact with light. One of the really big problems is that depending on the viewing angle it can go from looking good (not terrible) to pretty bad (terrible), depending on skill and execution. This variation in angle is best illustrated by way of example.
                                                                    IMAGE MISSING

Here the pictures show how as little as 10-15 deg. can change the appearance (I'm not sure which is better, I think the dark areas are too dark, while the photo on the back looks better, but here the lights need to be lighter). One way to get better I suppose is to stare at pictures of shiny metal objects.

What could have been... :(

For this model I had an advantage, as it was metal, but I squandered that advantage when I decided I didn't like the initial viewing angle, IDIOT! Try not to screw yourself in this fashion...

As always, don't miss good while looking for perfect, (DMGWLFP), and keep your distance from others until we get this thing beat.


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