Sunday, February 19, 2017

Space Hulk Blood Angels Painting Guide (Pt. 2)

     In my last article I said to paint anything that you don't know what to do with white. I retract that statement. An astute reader pointed out to me that white is a bitch, and it gets chalky easily. Better advice is to just do nothing and sort it out later.

Battle brothers
 So we left off with laying down the base red. The next step was Agrax Earthshade wash all over. Then make a glaze with the base and start highlighting. (I use Liquitex Matte medium, 1 drop from the giant bottle to 1 brush loaded with paint, and then add water to the point that it flows well, thinner than paint and thicker than milk, maybe heavy cream). Just do the parts that should be lighter, and think about how the pant sits when you take the brush off the model (you will leave more paint here, so that will be your lightest spot). Once that's done add a drop of Mephiston Red to your mix and do more highlights (repeat above). Once that's done add a drop of Troll Slayer Orange (repeat above). Then add a drop of Averland Sunset, and work the edges (sometimes 2 or 3 coats).
The progress is real
This takes ages, but the results speak for themselves.


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