Friday, May 25, 2018

Basing With Plaster

In a continuation of my last post... I made a round plaster base with foil and a container. After it set up I removed the mould and trimmed off the excess plaster. It doesn't need to be perfect right now, because we'll finish with a second cast to clean up the edges and make them sharp (right now it's got a bit of curvature). Be sure to save the off cuts as they make great rocks.
Grots live in caves (I think) so most of the ground should be rocks and gravel. I'm going to simulate this using old coffee grounds. Trader Joe's French Vanilla to be exact.  
After taking off the excess, priming with gray, and the first wash.

Here's a quick shot of the type of thing I'm going for. basically a bunch of random stuff all going on at once. Grot's aren't known for being big planners, and once the magic mushroom stew hits....

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