Monday, October 14, 2019

Things I Don't Need Vol. 1

In this new mini series (we'll see how long this persists) I'll cover, Things I Don't Need, But Bought Anyhow.

Last night was the mini painting social at my local shop, and I saw this cool box of mystery Terminators. It's like buying baseball (or any other collecting card) where in theory one knows all the possible outcomes, but one doesn't really know what's in the box (package) until after you purchase. Given that I already have 3 unpainted Terminators from Space Hulk, I don't need more, but I sure did buy one.

I ended up scoring a pretty sweet model! It wasn't the Lightening Claws, or Storm Shield/ Thunder Hammer, both of which would be sweet, but a very cool figure none the less. Brother Captain Donato. He's one of the "mystery figures" not explicitly shown, so it was a score on one level.

Donato with Helmet 

Brother Captain Donato (bare head)

The figure comes with a pretty cool base, and the coice of building it with or without the helm. I plan to do him without the helmet, maybe it can be attached to his belt. He'll be a fine addition to the Space Hulk Blood Angel squad. So while I didn't need another Terminator, I feel like it might have motivated me to finish off the rest of the squad (about bloody time).

Buying minis to paint when you have a backlog, is similar to buying more flies to fish with, it's fun, but doesn't really increase your odds of success on the table (or in the stream) unless you put in the time; but either way it sure beats working.


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