Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Ground Beneath Their Feet

Well, I'm still basing. I hope to actually add little green men to them this week.

Left showing plaster chips, sand, grounds, right shows after Zandri Dust
Nothing new here. I used super glue to attach the large rocks to the base. This way when you add the smaller debris it looks like the bigger rocks are actually buried, otherwise you end up with boulders sitting on top of a field. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just a different look. I added the grit and smaller stuff by running tape around the base and then flooding the bottom with Titebond II Premium Wood Glue, then pouring on the grit stuff (coffee grounds). Once everything had dried I removed the tape and sprayed everything down with isopropyl alcohol (IPA) before washing with 1:1 glue water mixture, to seal the surface. The IPA just helps break the surface tension and makes everything wet better. The finer sand was applied using super glue and covering it with sand.

After washing, dry brushing, and grass!

For painting I based everything with Zandri Dust and then washed with Reikland Fleshshade for the big rocks and Agrax Earthshade for the smaller grit. Added some Nuln Oil here and there. Then dry brushed with mixtures of Ushabti Bone + Zandri Dust, re-washed the big rocks where they got too light, and then added the grass.

That's all that's new.

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