Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Very Old Space Marine

Today's 1st post, (I'm being optimistic), is that of a guest artist, my Brother! He's the best painter I actually know, and his take on the dead marine from Space Hulk is truly epic.

It's so epic that we are going to pick it apart in detail.

First, lets talk about the method. This was done with a BRUSH. So if you think you need an airbrush to achieve these types of results, you're wrong. Really, you just need to work harder. Less paint on the brush, thinner paint, and most of all patience. Patience won't get you all the way there, but it's a good start.

Let's talk about gold. Painting gold is hard, but not trying is a recipe for failure. He didn't just pick up a brush and crush this one day, he's been at it for a while. Put in the effort and you'll eventually see results you can be proud of. He should be proud of this.

Let's look closely at that skull. It's perfect. The head of a figure is one area which can make or break a figure. It's what turns a good paint job into a great one. This is fine example of what one should strive for.

Let the figure tell the story. Closely examine the charred helmet and the matching battle damage around the neck of the figure. It is 100% obvious that this poor bastard took a round to the head, and you don't even need to see the helmet to know that, but having both parts there makes it undeniable. Another way that he constantly brings the focus to the right area is the super small, but super important highlights that go all the way to near white around the neck! Awesome.

Even though most people enjoy their figures from only on angle, and the front and head are super important, don't disregard the back. This is a fine example of what the "rear" should look like.

Let's hope he continues to find time to produce results like this, because they are AWESOME! Like competition level awesome.


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