Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Grot Walker "Accidents Happen"

It's done. I wasn't sure it was finished, but I painted the base rim black, so it must be done (I think that's a rule or something). Proudly presenting "Accidents Happen". 

Our hero has commandeered an Imperial Guard Scout, he's had too much mushroom tea and it's got as heck of a blind spot...

There's more material to come as I was rather productive during my time off so I'll just focus on this figure for the remainder of the post. 

Detail on the controls! I was pleased with how that all turned out. 

The door got blasted off.

Without the door it seems a bit Jeep.

I think I'd like to have a door. 

Could have worked harder around the engine bay.

The accident is clearly visible.

Pigments saved the base from total mediocrity.

That's about it.

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