Monday, May 9, 2022

Hordes of Squigs

 Despite what the title says, the Squigs are taking a bit of a back seat in this post, because we have a giant spider!

What a beauty that spider is, holy cow. I mean really, this figure serves multiple roles. It could be a general, or it could be a hero, or it could be a giant. Giants induce terror, so I guess it depends on what I want or what I need.

Then there's two units of these lovely bastards. Trolls. Who doesn't like trolls? Turns out Goblin, Orc, and Chaos can all take Trolls. Frequent readers will note that I have 1000 pt. starter armies of both Chaos and Orc, both of which can take Trolls at a cost of 110 pts. per unit (now 1220).

Pump wagons, for the added chaos of units that move of their own accord. I can't see how this could possibly pose any problems... 

 Spider riders! These take the stat block of the Goblin Wolf riders. Last but not least, some artillery in the form of Spear Chukkas, Doom Divers, and Giant Squig Spitters (with the latter two fulfilling the same role/stats).

The Giant Squig spitters are real gems.


So, what does all this mean? Well, if the Spider Riders are "Wolf Riders" (as per some online suggestions) and the Squig Hoppers are "Chariots", I now have 1550 pts. of Goblins! 

Goblin, 1550 points
Warmaster Revolution
 120 - 4 Goblins
 150 - 5 Squig Herd
 220 - 2 Trolls
 120 - 2 Wolf Riders
  80 - 1 Wolf Chariots
 100 - 2 Pump Wagon
 150 - 1 Giant
  80 - 1 Doom Diver
 130 - 2 Spear Chukka
  80 - 1 Goblin Warboss
 180 - 4 Goblin Hero
 140 - 2 Goblin Shaman
     - 1 Wyvern (80)
1550 - 18/9

That's before adding any buffs of wands, swords, banners, and such. Pretty solid. The Orc army is looking even better, with Squig Spitters as "rock lobbers", swinging in at 1985 pts.  (Squigs = Goblins, Hoppers = Chariots, Spiders = Wolves)

Orcs, 1985 points
Warmaster Revolution
 240 - 4 Orc Warriors
 110 - 1 Black Orcs
 270 - 9 Goblins
 220 - 2 Trolls
 220 - 2 Boar Riders
 120 - 2 Wolf Riders
  80 - 1 Wolf Chariots
 150 - 1 Giant
  75 - 1 Rock Lobber
  95 - 1 Orc General
 160 - 2 Orc Hero
  45 - 1 Orc Shaman
  90 - 2 Goblin Hero
 110 - 1 Goblin Shaman
     - 1 Wyvern (80)
1985 - 23/12

Chaos, 1155 points
Warmaster Revolution
 280 - 2 Chaos Warriors
 180 - 3 Chaos Marauders
 105 - 1 Ogres
 220 - 2 Trolls
  90 - 1 Marauder Horsemen
  65 - 1 Harpies
 125 - 1 General
  90 - 1 Sorcerer
1155 - 10/5

The most recent adjustments to the rules allow bringing up to 2 stands of Squigs when making up the 4 stands of Goblins, so I'm actually pretty close to assembling a 2000 pt Goblin army, I just need more "Wolf Riders", because we have all the artillery we need...



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