Sunday, September 29, 2019

Der Goblin Komme

I dunno if "der" is the correct article for Goblin (is goblin even goblin in German?), it's just for fun, like adding random umlauts to words (thanks Lemmy). Anyhow, my mobile is finally repaired, so we're back, and like the title may, or may not, say, "the goblin come".

The Grots are almost finished, but before I do more I need to put them on their base. Basically each base will have 5 Grots, since one group is piggy backing, it's only 4 sets of legs, but the other is a bit congested.


Denim and Leather

War Cry

Bull Horns and Pot Head (copper eventually)

Everything must have checkers.

So yeah, deciding who goes where is what's next. I also think that the denim jackets should have the clan/gang logo on the back, we'll see. I think before I move on and finish them these decisions need to be made as it will determine what areas need work. Having so many figures on one base kind of means that you need to think about the composition, placement and lighting of the final group, not just the individual pieces.

The other problem with these figures is that they are all looking down and posed in odd positions; the base is going to require lots of terrain bits so that they all face relatively level. What enemy could a Goblin possibly be looking down upon? Ants?

Tonight is the miniature painting social night at my local game store. Looking forward to that. I'll probably bring a new piece as this project has too much going on to cart it around.

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