Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Combining NMM with TMM?

Does this happen when you try NMM?

Fear not, for you are not alone.

It has been quite some time since I gave NMM a try, probably because my previous attempts were kinda like the gif. But on the last dwarf I gave it a go, sort of.

Here's what I did, I tried NMM, using the paints shown below, and then at the end I used really thin TMM gold to go in and hit the highlights.

Below is where I tried it out on the cloak.

Mixed NMM/TMM cloak detail

I think that it worked quite well, and I'm not aware of other people trying this technique.  For the current WIP see below.

This is just before moving on the the TMM gold. I should also point out that the gold should be really thin, and one wants to pull the paint toward the highlight. Thin it right to just before the paint breaks, (breaking would make a wash).

I like to start with the Mournfang Brown as the base.

Mournfang Brown

After that I glaze in the Rhinox Hide into the darkest areas, like the underside of edges, etc.. Then I start pushing in the lighter colors, using white as point highlights (the camera is probably giving me a bit of a boost in these shots).

Pre-TMM gold highlight

It might seem crazy to try such a technique on super small details, but since yout only basically painting a line it's a lot easier than blending a larger area, so it's actually a good way to learn/try/practice the technique.

Helmet and shield pre-TMM

I'll post the final results when I'm done. If you have experience with this, or related techniques, leave a comment. I have readers from all over the world (France, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, USA, Canada, and more), and it would be nice to hear other peoples thoughts on the topic.

Don't forget, I just do this for fun so there's no need to "like", "subscribe", "follow", "pateron" or any of that other crap. HMP is 100% advertisement free, think of it as a breath of fresh air.


As always, "Don't miss good while looking for perfect!"

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