Friday, November 15, 2019

Sergeant Gideon

Brothers, to me!

Look out punks, Blood Angel Terminators are coming in hot.

Space Hulk Terminators

It's been a while since I painted a Blood Angel, because the last time I tried to paint 6 at once, which probably brought in some kind of PTSD...

Anyhow, since it's been 2 years I figured I'd give it a go. Importantly, I'm not looking at the other figures while I do this, as i want to see how/if I've progressed since I started. 

Based with Rhinox Hide

I started by basing the figure with Rhinox Hide. Then glazing with Khorne Red, being sure to leave plenty of Rhinox Hide in the recesses (underside and shadows). The next glaze was Mephiston Red, but now closer toward the brighter areas. Finally, in true GW fashion, I edge highlighted with a mixture of Mephiston Red and Jokaero Orange (about 1:1).

Almost done with edge highlights

Ths figure is quite dark, but I think it's staring to look pretty cool.  Then next step will be to block the other details, and do the head.

Lots of sharp edges here

With the edge highlight I tried to really focus on the upper edges and kept it to only the parts that I wanted to add a bit of pop to. The exception to this is around the head, where I pushed the Mephiston and orange a lot more with the hope of drawing the focus to this part of the figure. 

Stay tuned,