Sunday, July 26, 2020

Grot Scout Walker Pt. 4

So, I haven't been totally idle. The pilots arms are attached to his body, but the sculpting is going slower as critical dimensions are being approached. 

They're still too big, but I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll be able to produce something partially acceptable. They will end up being a minor part in the bigger picture, so we'll see. His face will be more important. 

I also glued the Scout legs in a way that made me happy, and I started painting the cockpit interior. This painting is probably a waste of time since it's hard to see inside, but if I didnt try I would know, even if nobody else would. 

The gauges were hard to paint, not because of their size so much but more because of how deeply recessed they were. It's literally a battle with myself to not go back and fix something that nobody will be able to see. I tried to make all the gauges be either in the red or right on the edge of failure...

I also hacked the door off, because. 


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