Sunday, July 12, 2020

"Strategic Objective"

A pile of crap glued onto the lid of a spice jar, or the "Comm. Sat. Relay Strategic Objective"? The truth probably lies somewhere in between those extremes. 

I really wanted to try out the green stuff and see how hard it is to work with while it is soft, and I also wanted to find out how tough it is to shape, be it shave, sand, scape, etc. once it's dry. To do this I constructed this beauty from some bits of wire, a pen, a hunk of sprue, and whatever else was lying around my junk box. Then I tried to add some "blocks" of green stuff.

My experiences so far are as follows. The initial sculpting is/was pretty good.  The material starts out quite tacky, but working with a bit of grease makes things pretty easy.  

Does the kind of grease matter? I dunno, I used good old nose grease, which is convenient, because it's always between your eyes and the work... As I've found with other projects of this type, organic things seem easier to sculpt than metal bits. Mostly because the former are typically devoid of 90 degree angles and perfectly flat surfaces... by trying to add square blocks this was as hard a first test as possible (idiot). Once the resin hardens and I have a go at the post sculpting, sculpting, as it were, I'll update again.


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